

The Highlander is a versatile aircraft with great performance capabilities. The cockpit is 44″ wide with lots of headroom and over 30 cu. ft. of cargo area. The plane has adjustable seats and there is plenty of cargo room to haul everything you need for that hunting, fishing or cross country trip. Planes may be fitted with floats as an amphib, with wheels, or skiis for winter use. This aircraft is very affordable and with the proper maintenance will last you a lifetime. Combine these features with the new Light Sport Pilot license and you too can enjoy the thrill of flying your own airplane!


The Highlander has the same great features as its predecessor the Escapade, but with all the great upgrades to make it the ultimate back country bush aircraft. The Highlander is manufactured with all high quality aircraft materials and can be fitted with a Rotax or Jaribu aircraft engine. The power and light operating weight, coupled with 121 square foot of wing area, allows the aircraft to take off and land with a ground roll of 300 feet. The Highlander also has an impressive 880 feet per minute climb rate.


I like bush planes, but I don’t like planes that break in the bush. Walking out is not fun. My goal, and I think I have achieved it, was to build a rugged bush plane that will not break in the back country- Troy Woodland, Design Engineer

Highlander/Escapade Kit Price List

Standard Tail Wheel Escapade kit includes everything to build a complete airplane ready for firewall forward & painting.


Features include:


  • Two 9 gallon wing tanks
  • Fibreglass wing tips
  • Tires 800×6 & bungee landing gear
  • Matco hydraulic disc toe brakes
  • Elevator with manual trim & linkage
  • Flared doors with Windows
  • Push button flap handle
  • Streamline struts
  • Aluminium trailing edges for wings. Includes:
  • Flaps & ailerons
  • Fiberglass leading edges for flaps & ailerons
  • Seat Harnesses
  • Aluminium turtledeck
  • Fabric & fabric adhesive
  • Structural adhesive
  • Basic embroidered seat cushions.

US $24,900.00

Highlander Upgrade:


  • Extended Wings
  • Heavy Duty Extended Main Gear w/1.25″ Axles
  • 8 inch Tail Wheel
  • Upgrade E Series Matco Wheels and Brakes
  • Large Elevator/Rudder Combination (Balanced)
  • Gull Style Doors/Windows
  • Vortex Generators


Powder Coating
Quick Build Wings, Flaps and Ailerons
Wings set to Fuselage (only available with QBW, F&A)

Firewall forward

Cowling - Rotax 912 (Rotax 914 - $1100.00)
Motor Mount 912 (Rotax 914 Motor Mount - $900.00)
Rotax 912ULS 100HP (Engine+Cooler & Radiator w/Firewall Forward including Kiev #293 Prop)
Rotax 914UL 115HP (Engine+Cooler & Radiator w/Firewall Forward including Kiev #293 Prop)

Other Options and Accessories

To view a full list of options, please download our Options List PDF

Shipment Preparation for Customer Pick UP
Crating for truck shipment
Freight Charges
Please Enquire

We are the UK dealer for Just Aircraft, with UK LAA approval for both the Superstol and Highlander